Electronic giving

You can give electronically to Bethany!  We have partnered with Vanco Services to provide a convenient, no-cost, way to give your offering.  You can choose one-time payment or ongoing payments.  If you select ongoing payments, you can also determine the frequency of your donation.  Thank you for your support of our congregation.

  Register online for electronic donating:  CLICK HERE

Easy Giving You Can Count On
  • Convenience – Payment will still be made if you are out of town or on vacation.
  • Consistency - Keeps you on track with your stewardship.
  • Security – No lost or stolen checks.
  • Environmentally and Wallet Friendly – Save on checks, envelopes, and postage.

Thrivent Choice Dollars

Thrivent Choice Dollars®
If you are a Thrivent contract owner, you may be eligible to donate funds to Bethany.  More information
Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars